
Capoeira é pra homem, menino e mulher, só não aprende quem não quer.   --Mestre Pastinha 

Capoeira is for men, women and children...only those who don't want to learn won't learn.)

Capoeira is a martial art rooted in Afro-Brazilian slave culture. It was associated with poor working class Blacks and banned by the police in the late 1800s. Capoeira grew exponentially over the next century, crossing into the Brazilian middle class and gaining notoriety in elementary, secondary, and higher education. People of all ages and backgrounds in Brazil and around the world now practice capoeira. 

Capoeira combines dance, acrobatics, and music and has been recognized not only for its athletic and aesthetic value but also for its personal and interpersonal enrichment; its connection with history, culture, and philosophy; and its ties to a global community.

Classes at Capoeira Arte Antiga (CAA) are open to the public. Regardless of their fitness level, CAA students build endurance, strength, and flexibility the more they familiarize themselves with Capoeira. They also learn music, songs, and Portuguese language skills associated with the martial art. 

Drop-in Fee

Sliding Scale: $10-$20

Monthly and Quarterly plans are available upon request.